High Duty Alloys
In the 1930s, Colonel Wallace Charles Devereux, the Managing Director of High Duty Alloys Slough, foresaw the impending threat of Nazi Germany and actively campaigned for Britain to prepare for the possibility of war.

One action was to build a “Shadow” factory to minimise the impact of an attack on its Slough factory.

That shadow factory was build in Redditch, adjacent to the gas works to provide fuel for the furnaces, in was was considered a safe area.
The factory became one of the key component manufacturers supporting the war-time aircraft industry and since the war has continued to be a major Redditch employer supplying the aerospace industry.

Today HDA is known as Mettis Aerospace but is still a major Redditch manufacturing organisation meeting the needs of the commercial aerospace industry.

We acknowledge Mettis for their support and input to this section of our archives.