Moons Moat Conservation Group Policy on Holding Individuals Personal data

This policy sets out the Moons Moat Conservation Group (MMCG) obligations to Individuals personal data under the General Data Protection Regulations (2018)

1. MMCG understands and takes seriously its obligation with respect to meeting General Data Protection Regulations

2. MMCG will only hold data about individuals for the purpose of achieving its stated aims.

3. MMCG only holds contact information about an individual and that data is held solely for the purpose of communication with the individual.

4. Any data held by the MMCG about individuals will not be passed to a third party without the specific permission of that individual.

5. The MMCG will take whatever action it deems necessary to secure and protect the privacy of individuals’ information.

6. Any individual may, at any time, request and see the data the MMCG holds about that individual.

7. Any individual may request amendments or corrections to data held by the MMCG about them and the MMCG will act upon such request.

8. Any individual may request that the MMCG deletes any or all the data it holds about that individual.

9. If an individual requests the deletion of data held by the MMCG then that individual agrees that communications from the MMCG will cease..

10. The MMCG may, at its discretion, provide individuals with the mechanism to view, amend or delete the data it holds about that individual themselves.
11. Subscription by an individual to the MMCG’s mailing lists indicates acceptance by the individual of the above terms and conditions

MMCG Data Protection Statement - 17th March 2018
Derek Coombes, MMCG Acting Chairman
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