In our "Products & Services" section we have repropduced two marketing booklets produced by ISTEL.  Both had similar covers which show a montage of faces of ISTEL staff.

Book 1 has 543 faces, although the logo covers many.  Book 2 has 447.  We can see some duplication so you may find the same face twice. For example, I'm at  L9  on book 1 and at  T9  on book 2, but surrounded by different people.

I Know that Face?

We would like to try and identify as many faces as possible.

Click a book and scan the faces. Note down the names and location (i.e. Book 1 T9 Derek Coombes ISTEL automation 1986 - 1989)  and send us details of the faces you recognise.

Please  email them to
Click HERE to see the faces we have identified so far.
Personal Data.

Personal Data collected and recorded and presented as part of this project does not contain any contact data and will be used solely in connection with the Remembering ISTEL project.  It will not be shared with any third parties and will be removed if any objections are received to individual entries.   If you wish to see any data held againt you or wish your data to be removed please contact us by email on
Are you one of the faces in these images, or do you know someone who is?  We are hoping to identify as many people as possible so to take a close look, click here

Book 1

Book 2

Gallery Index