The motor works at Longbridge has long been affectionately known in Redditch as “The Austin” with many workers traveling there daily to work and other workers moving to Redditch both as the new town offered them new houses, and later, as ISTEL offered career opportunities.

BL Systems emerged in the late 70’s, now some fifty years ago, so the age demographic of those who worked at BL Systems and ISTEL is inevitably now high and increasing.  Sadly this means we are now losing more friends and former colleagues as time inevitably marches on.

This was brought into focus for us by the news that we lost Lyn Morgan just before Christmas and indeed others over recent years.

In Remembering ISTEL we therefore need also need to remember those we have lost and express our condolences to their families and friends.

Here are a few names which come to mind, we know there are many more.  Please let us know any more you can recall so we can remember those who are lost but not forgotten.