The Bromsgrove, Droitwich and Redditch Messenger – Saturday 30th December 1916, states he was wounded. The Bromsgrove, Droitwich and Redditch Messenger – Saturday 29th June 1918, states he was wounded. The Bromsgrove, Droitwich and Redditch Messenger – Saturday 21st September 1918, states he has won a Military Medal. The Bromsgrove, Droitwich and Redditch Messenger – Saturday 14th December 1918, states he has won the D.C.M. for gallantry and devotion to duty during the recent British advance in France. All the officers of his company having been killed or wounded, Sergt. Field took charge of the company, and held on to an important position as a critical moment. The Bromsgrove, Droitwich and Redditch Messenger – Saturday 6th December 1919, with particulars of how he won the D.C.M.
Remembered in Redditch on
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