1916  5th July

1st Battalion Sherwood Foresters  (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment

St Stephen's war memorial, Redditch

St Stephen's C. of E. School war memorial, Redditch

The Sherwood Foresters, 1st Battalion, 24th Brigade, 23rd Division and 8th Division, 5th July 1916 – Attack in La Boisselle.

The Bromsgrove, Droitwich and Redditch Messenger – Saturday 26th August 1916, wounded.  Private Charles Osborne, 1st Battalion, Sherwood Foresters is remembered on the Battle of the Somme Roll of Honour at:- http://somme-roll-of-honour.com/Units/british/1

Thiepval Memorial, Picardie, France

Served In:

Further Information:

Pier and Face 10 C 10 D and 11 A.

Next Back Private  Charles Osborne 14376

Remembered in Redditch on:


