Page 3 - RNT-C02
P. 3


       Redditch New Town Time Line

       On the following pages you will find a time line of the key events during the development
       of Redditch New Town.

       This time line is split into two sections.  The first covers the period from 1964 to 1985
       when  the  Redditch  Development  Corporation  was  responsible  for  the  planning  &
       development of the new town.  The second section covers the period from 1985 to the
       current time when responsibility for Redditch developments was returned to the local
       Borough Council control.

       Also in this chapter are a list of Redditch Mayors, a position only created in 1980.

       Finally we have include a list of invention over the last 50 years which have revolutionised
       the  lives  of  millions  throughout  the  world  and  have  therefore  also  been  a  significant
       influence on Redditch residents.

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