Page 7 - Remembering ISTEL
P. 7

Remembering ISTEL

       Why Remember ISTEL

       Well a chance meeting at the Local History Museum has
       led to the creation of a new archive for Redditch.  Dave
       Handley was visiting the Redditch Local History Museum
       to  see  information  held  there  on  Bridely  Moor  School
       and was shown around by volunteer Derek Coombes. In
       conversation Dave and Derek discovered that there was
       a period back in the 1980s when they both worked at
       local  IT  company  ISTEL,  although  they  never  actually
       met whilst there.

       Checking what information the museum had on ISTEL
       revealed it was limited to two publicity brochures and a
       Mug. This they found very disappointing.

                                                         Putting this into context, throughout Redditch

                                                         history  since  the  18th  century  there  have  be
                                                         organisations  which  grew  to  be  dominant
                                                         employers in the town. Companies like Allcocks
                                                         and Milwards in the needle trade, Royal Enfield,
                                                         Terry's and ALCAD  Batteries to name a few. All
                                                         now  gone  but  they  are  remembered  as
                                                         household names. In the last quarter of the 20th
                                                         century ISTEL was that dominant organisation
                                                         but  just  three  artefacts  were  available  to
                                                         remember it.

                                                         Growing out of the internal computer services
                                                         department  at  British  Leyland,  first  as  BL
                                                         System Limited and later in 1983 as ISTEL, it
                                                         became the largest non-public sector employer
                                                         in Redditch and had offices at many locations in
                                                         the town including a state of the art Data Centre

       The only reminders of ISTEL located before        at Moons Moat, offices in Grosvenor House (the
       the  project  stated,  two  promotional           Company’s  HQ),  Highfield  House,  Springfield
       brochures and a mug.                              House, Regents Court along with many satellite

                                                         offices on Moons Moat. They even had offices in
                                                         Market Square above M&S for a time.

       ISTEL brought a lot of employment to the area, contributed greatly to the local economy
       and supported many worthwhile causes. We were just amazed at how little remained of
       the organisation in the town and now the name ISTEL has virtually vanished.  The last
       AT&T ISTEL operation moved out of Redditch in 2023 to allow Highfield House to be
       converted to flats and now the Computer Data Centre on Ravensbrook Drive, closed in

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