Page 7 - Local Heroes - Silk
P. 7

Memories                                                                          Redditch Heritage


        With  the  advent  of  the  centenary  of  World  War  1,  we  undertook  to  research  and
        document all the casualties from Redditch & the Surrounding area.

        This  information  has  been  published  on  our  Redditch  Virtual  Museum  web  site  and
        shared with Sandra Taylor who is compiling a web site, Remember The Fallen” which
        covers the whole of Worcestershire.

        From the nearly 1,500 casualties we have identified from both world wars a few have
        been selected to be featured in our “Local Heroes” booklets.

        In this booklet we feature Bernard Silk who is remembered by Richard Turner.

                                            Bernard Silk and Comrades

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