Page 3 - RNT-C08
P. 3


       Recreation & Leisure

       The  Development  Corporation  believed  that  recreational  facilities  must  be
       comprehensively  planned  to  ensure  a  suitable  choice  of  indoor  and  outdoor  leisure
       activities to meet the needs of people of all ages. It argued, that habits were changing
       in all types of recreation, particularly in the use of open space and in sport, and people
       are increasingly spending their leisure time in pursuits involving travel from their home
       town. It was necessary, therefore, to consider the facilities available in Birmingham and
       nearby towns such as Stratford-upon-Avon which would attract people from Redditch;
       the fine countryside was also within easy access for picnics and weekend recreation.
       Therefore, they needed to ensure that facilities in Redditch not only served Redditch
       residents but would also draw people from the surrounding areas.

            The inside of Redditch Megabowl in the late 1980s.

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