Page 10 - Redditch New Town Centre Success or Failure
P. 10

Redditch Heritage                                          Redditch New Town, Success or Failure?

        homework it was disappointing to all to have to abandon the project because of
        the financial structures that were placed on it.

        A third disappointment was the failure, after a public inquiry, to obtain approval
        for the extension of the Alcester Highway to the south linked with the opening
        up  of  the  related  employment  area  at  Green  Lane.  This  infrastructure  and
        employment potential would have given the town a stronger base for stimulating
        the medium and long term local and regional economy.

        The Town We Leave

        Areas of rapid growth necessarily have buildings of great similarity and style, but

        the  Corporation's  low  key  approach  to  design  when  associated  with  a  truly
        exceptional  standard  of  landscaping,  ensures  a  mellow  physical  environment
        which gives Redditch its individual quality.

        The diversification in the local economy and the recently designated ‘assisted
        area' status will ensure the longer term stability of the town and the shopping

        and  recreational  facilities  will  guarantee  a  social  life  of  great  quality  and

        In transport terms the town has an enviable bus service which should continue a
        level of convenience above that to be expected of such a town. The 115 miles of
        road constructed. together with measures for pedestrian segregation provides an
        exceptionally  safe  pedestrian  and  highway  network,  unburdened  by  traffic

        congestion. The many social groups which have been stimulated and encouraged
        should also provide a community cohesiveness able to cope with the rigours of
        post Corporation life.

        From  the  earliest  moment  there  have  been  Liaison  Groups  with  the  Local
        Authorities. These have provided a useful contact, though inevitably the authori-

        ties have not seen eye to eye on every matter. It is to be hoped that the public
        authorities will look to the future in not too parochial a way. Redditch is now a
        town that has a great deal of influence in the region, with even greater potential
        for growth and it is important that growth is not stultified, whether it be economic
        or physical. The prosperity of Redditch can only help the West Midlands Region
        and give a much needed regeneration to the regional economy. No town can

        afford to stand still and must be capable of coping and encouraging both growth
        and change.

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