Page 7 - Redditch New Town Centre Success or Failure
P. 7

Redditch New Town, Success or Failure?                                             Redditch Heritage

        Projects Of Innovation

        Perhaps one of the greatest contributions that Redditch has made to physical
        planning is the emphasis given to the land use distribution specifically organised
        around public transport. The exclusive bus routes and related innovations have

        been  a  great  success  in  the  new  neighbourhoods,  and  provide  not  only  an
        excellent  service,  but  also  a  profitable  one.  Thanks  are  due  in  part  to  the
        open-minded  approach  of  the  Midland  Red  Bus  Company,  but  it  was  only
        through  the  Corporation's  determination  that  such  an  experiment  could  be

        In  the  financial  sphere  and  very  early  in  the  development  programme,  new
        ground was broken for New Towns in pioneering the concept of lease-leaseback
        funding. By this means the Corporation has enabled public design and manage-
        ment to hold partnership with private financing. The Kingfisher Shopping Centre
        in the town centre has shown how excellent and extensive projects can be carried
        out by limited inputs of public expenditure.

        The  Corporation  has  been  an  active  proponent  of  land  disposal  to  private
        developers by the means of licences to build on Development Corporation land,
        rather  than  on  the  more  common  practice  of  freehold  disposal.  This  enables
        greater control over the type and character of development, over the phasing
        and  over  subsequent  changes  to  proposals,  but  it  also  assists  developers  of
        private housing in terms of cash flow.

        Perhaps  of  greatest  significance  in  winding  up  the  new  town  has  been  the
        assembly of a marketable package of all the remaining Corporation assets. The
        Corporation was encouraged by the reaction of the "market" and the number of
        bids received.

        The innovation of this approach to disengagement attracted the interest of both
        the  national  and  international  press.  Having  pursued  the  deal  with  two  firm
        bidders,  the  Corporation  was  naturally  disappointed  not  to  ultimately  receive
        Government approval to the sale.

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