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       BMX & Skateboarding

       It is not widely known in the town that Redditch is recognised nationally and internationally
       for BMX and Skateboarding and for having the UK’s first official BMX track and races in
       the UK. The original Redditch BMX track opening on 30th August 1980.
                                                                          Halfords were very much behind
                                                                          this  thanks  to  David  Duffield,
                                                                          then  Marketing  Manager,  (who
                                                                          went  on  more  recently  to  be
                                                                          Eurosport commentator for the
                                                                          Tour De France) and Geoff Wiles
                                                                          who  was  an  acclaimed  road
                                                                          racing cyclist.
                                                                          Redditch Premiers was the first
                                                                          BMX club in the UK too. Redditch
                                                                          BMX  track  held  the  Anglo
                                                                          American BMX race in 1981 and
                                                                          1982 featuring iconic BMX racers
                                                                          from  the  USA  and  even  being
                                                                          reported  in  the  US  magazine  -
                                                                          BMX Plus. BMX took off amongst
                                                                          young  people  nationwide  soon
        From the Redditch Indicator .                                     after.
                                                                          The venue is at Icknield Street
                                                                          Drive,     Matchborough          West
       behind the Golden Goose Pub. An updated Redditch Skatepark opened on 16th April 2000
       and the all new Redditch BMX track opened on the 10th July 2010.
       BMX took a dip in the late ‘80s but was picked up by the Redditch Wheels Project Charity
       who rebuilt the old track into a freestyle
       dirt  jumping  area  in  1996  while  they
       campaigned and constructed Redditch
       Skatepark, one of the largest in the UK,
       which  opened  in  2000.  In  2006
       Redditch  Premiers  BMX  Club  was
       reformed  and  in  2010  a  new  floodlit
       national  standard  BMX  track  was
       constructed.  The  Skatepark  and  BMX
       track are a hive of activity in Redditch.

       The  BMX  track  was  featured  on  the
       Runaround Children’s TV show hosted
       by  Mike  Reid  who  interviewed  Geoff
       Wiles first and then showed a race at
       Redditch BMX Track.
                                                        From BMX Plus USA Magazine.
       BMX  has  come  a  long  way  as  the
       facilities and riding have become a lot
       more advanced.  Redditch has a fantastic set up at the Redditch BMX track and Skatepark
       with a club house with a timeline, old newspaper articles and photos on display.

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