Page 18 - RNT-C08
P. 18


        Redditch Cinemas - The Gaumont Cinema

                                    On the site of the old public hall, the Gaumont Palace rose, and
                                    was opened on Monday 23rd November 1931. The actual building
                                    had taken only seven months to complete with some adjoining
                                    properties  being  incorporated  in  this  1,400  seat  theatre.    The
                                    interior  had  been  fitted  with  much  decorative  plaster  work,
                                    coloured in orange and gold, on a background of rich ivory. Thus,
                                    the fully air conditioned and heated, modern equipped building
                                    was the first of Redditch's super cinemas to be opened.

                                    Throughout  the  remainder  of  the  1930s  and  40s  patrons  paid
                                    between 3d and 1/2d, for a seat in this magnificent hall, which
                                    must have brightened many an hour, during those stressful days
                                    of the depression and then the war.

                                    In 1937 the name became plain Gaumont and the sign directly
                                    above the main entrance doors was removed.  When restrictions
                                    on outdoor lighting were lifted on 1st April 1949, a vertical neon
                                    lit Gaumont sign was was erected.

                                    On Monday March 7th 1954, it re-opened with a new, large wide
                                    screen,  new  decoration  and  rebuilt  seats  designed  to  compete
                                    with the new wonder - television. Later that year on Monday 15th
                                    November, came Cinemascope, bringing a wider screen still, which
                                    had involved the fitting of new main festoon curtains, only the
                                    second of their type in Worcestershire.
                                    By 1960,  both Odeon and Gaumont Cinemas were part of the
                                    Rank  Organisation  chain  but  in  the  big  Rank  sale  to  Classic
                                    cinemas in 1967  the Redditch cinema was sold again and the sign
                                    above the entrance was soon changed to Classic.
                                    On  Sunday  14th  July  1968  after  just  six  months  as  a  Classic
                                    Cinema it closed,  It was reopened as the Vogue Bingo and Social
                                    Club, on Thursday I8th July 1968, just three days being allowed
                                    for removal of the screen and the adaption to a bingo hall.

        Similarly this property
        in  Church  Road  has
        undergone many name
        changes  but  is  still
        recognisable today.

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