Page 13 - WW1 - 1915
P. 13

Redditch Local History Society                    Remembering Redditch Residents & WW1

               Evening Despatch – Friday 29  January 1915

               An Optimistic View – Redditch Motorist’s visit home from the front – Corporal F. H.
               Knott, of the Royal Engineers, formerly a well-known Redditch motor-cyclist, who has been
               serving as a motor despatch rider in France, returned to his home at Redditch on special

               He takes an optimistic view of the situation at the front.  The British soldiers were in
               excellent spirits, and had the greatest confidence as to what the result will be when a
               forward move is made.  The country at the present time is under water.

               Rivers had overflowed their banks, and he had had to ride through several inches of water.
               The 7  Division, to which he was attached, had taken part in some heavy fighting.  They held
               the key to Ypres again, two German army corps. and received warm praise from General

               Corporal Knott has had many exciting experiences.  Once just after he had left his motor
               bicycle, the lamp was blown off by a piece of shell.  “A bit of dirt has hit your machine,” was
               the unconcerned remark of a sentry who was on duty near.
               (On the 1911 census Frederick Harold Knott, aged 24, Builder & Contractors Clerk, lived with his parents
               William and Christiana Knott, at 23 Melen Street, Redditch.)

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