Page 20 - WW1 - 1915
P. 20

Remembering Redditch Residents & WW1                          Redditch Local History Society

               The Bromsgrove, Droitwich and Redditch Messenger – Saturday 20  February

               Webheath Man – News has been received by Miss Lippitt, of Webheath, that her
               brother, Private Lippitt, who was serving at the front was killed in action at La Bassee on
               January 31 .  Private B. Lippitt was in the 2  Battalion Coldstream Guards and was 19 years
               of age.  He was connected with the Baptist Church, and in that Church’s magazine for
               February is a letter written by Private Lippitt acknowledging gifts received at Christmas time.
               In a letter written by an officer of the Battalion to his sister, he says that Lippitt was one of
               the best soldiers who ever wore a British uniform.  The same officer says that he never knew
               the deceased to hesitate in carrying out any order given to him.  At the time of his death he
               was engaged in the very arduous and dangerous work of sniping, for which he volunteered.

               (On Ancestry site, Roll of Honour, Private Benjamin Lippitt, born in St Andrews,
               Warwickshire, resided in Bimingham and enlisted in Coventry, (9983) 2  Battalion,
               Coldstream Guards, served with the Expeditionary Force in France, resided in Birmingham,
               enlisted in Coventry, killed in action at Cuinchy, 31  January 1915. Mentioned at Le Touret
               Memorial, France.)

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