Page 19 - WW1 - 1915
P. 19

Redditch Local History Society                    Remembering Redditch Residents & WW1

               Evening Despatch – Tuesday 16  February 1915

               Aircraft Raids – Precautionary measures in Worcestershire – The probability of an
               aircraft raid on Worcestershire is remote but the Chief Constable of the county issued the
               following instructions to-day upon the precautionary arrangements made in the event of a
               raid taking place:-

                   1.  On notification given by the police of the approach of the enemy’s air-craft, the
                       hooters will be sounded at the Enfield Cycle Works and the B.S.A Works, Redditch,
                       and in order to avoid confusion with fire and other signals, short blasts will be blown
                       at short intervals for about five minutes.  No alarm must be sounded except by order
                       of the police and persons causing an authorised alarm to be sounded will be
                       prosecuted under the Defence of the Realm Regulation.

                   2.  All persons on hearing this signal should get under cover.  Their presence in the street
                       can be of no assistance and in addition would unnecessarily expose themselves to

                   3.   All external lights of every description must be at once extinguished and kept
                       extinguished for the rest of the night.  Occupiers of houses, factories and workshops
                       will be held responsible as far as possible for lights inside being extinguished.  Police,
                       fire brigade, and ambulance corps will be called up and held in readiness to give
                       assistance if required.

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